The LilyPadz Blog

Six Awkward Workplace Situations Every Pumping Mom has to Deal With

Though government legislation and workplace policies aim to make it easier for women to get their breastfeeding-related needs accommodated by their employer, any nursing mother knows that pumping milk in the workplace involves way more than reserved time and space. Policies don’t prevent things like leaking breasts, nosy coworkers, or meetings...

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5 Reasons to Consider Breastfeeding

The conversation of ‘Breastfeeding vs. Formula’ has long been debated and documented.  It is a decision that many mothers dwell on for months before their pregnancy. There are a wide variety of circumstances, situations and personal beliefs that go in to making such an important decision. At LilyPadz, we are strong supporters for breastfeeding,...

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Every Person and Pad Problem is Unique

Every so often, we receive messages from our breastfeeding customers who are experiencing issues with their LilyPadz® nursing pads. Perhaps the pads are no longer sticking, or a skin irritation exists, or maybe breast milk is still leaking. While we have included a FAQ and a product care guide on our website, we have found that we cannot just put...

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The Joy of Braless Sleep

Do you wear a bra while sleeping? Many women sleep with a bra on because they’ve heard it will help keep the breasts perky and delay sagging. That, unfortunately, is a myth – breasts simply change with time and gravity. It is true that women with larger breasts may just feel more comfortable wearing a bra during sleep for support. It’s also a...

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HELP! How Long Should I Breastfeed?

So you made the monumental decision to breastfeed your child. First, CONGRATULATIONS! If this is your first time breastfeeding, you are embarking on one of life’s most amazing and rewarding experiences as a mother.   Know however, that it’s not all rainbows and butterfly kisses.  Need proof? According to La Leche League data, in 2003 70.1% of US...

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