by Cathy Hofknecht | Sep 18, 2018 | blog
The conversation of ‘Breastfeeding vs. Formula’ has long been debated and documented. It is a decision that many mothers dwell on for months before their pregnancy. There are a wide variety of circumstances, situations and personal beliefs that go in to making such...
by Todd Prichard | Mar 17, 2018 | blog
Every so often, we receive messages from our breastfeeding customers who are experiencing issues with their LilyPadz® nursing pads. Perhaps the pads are no longer sticking, or a skin irritation exists, or maybe breast milk is still leaking. While we have included a...
by Todd Prichard | Dec 22, 2017 | blog
Do you wear a bra while sleeping? Many women sleep with a bra on because they’ve heard it will help keep the breasts perky and delay sagging. That, unfortunately, is a myth – breasts simply change with time and gravity. It is true that women with larger breasts may...
by Todd Prichard | Aug 14, 2017 | blog
So you made the monumental decision to breastfeed your child. First, CONGRATULATIONS! If this is your first time breastfeeding, you are embarking on one of life’s most amazing and rewarding experiences as a mother. Know however, that it’s not all rainbows and...
by Todd Prichard | Mar 30, 2015 | blog
LilyPadz is proud to announce that, starting in April, we will be partnering with The Baby Box Company. Since the 1930s, the Finnish government has given expecting mothers a box of baby supplies that can double as a crib. Michelle Vick and Jennifer Clary loved this...
by Todd Prichard | Dec 15, 2014 | blog
Using a breast pump is still the easiest way for working women to breastfeed their children. Mothers can pump and store their milk while at work, allowing a caretaker to bottle-feed it to the child when the mother is away. Breast milk can be stored at room temperature...